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Nekomata Master+ - Driven Shooter by Visionary

Mapset info
Ranked: Mar 18th, 2023
Average Rating: 2.76 / 5.00 from 86 votes
Instrumental Video Game
Zer0- -Mikan

This difficulty has been blacklisted from OMDB charts.
Ratings on this difficulty are private.
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Rating Distribution
Rating: 2.35 / 5.00 from 15 votes
Ranking: #2167 for 2023
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Rating Distribution
Rating: 2.70 / 5.00 from 16 votes
Ranking: #576 for 2023, #4287 overall
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Rating Distribution
Rating: 3.27 / 5.00 from 13 votes
Ranking: #412 for 2023, #3054 overall
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Rating Distribution
Rating: 3.10 / 5.00 from 3 votes
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Sukii's Normal 2.28*
mapped by sukii
Rating Distribution
Rating: 3.18 / 5.00 from 2 votes
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Latest Ratings
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on quantumvortex's Insane
1yr ago
on Breaking Bad's Extra
1yr ago
Happy Satoko
on quantumvortex's Insane
1yr ago
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on quantumvortex's Insane
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on Breaking Bad's Extra
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on PaRaDogi's Extra
1yr ago
on Breaking Bad's Extra
1yr ago
on PaRaDogi's Extra
1yr ago
on Breaking Bad's Extra
1yr ago
on PaRaDogi's Extra
1yr ago

Comments (22)
1yr ago

to get to the other side, ninore

1yr ago

i dont know payney why would they call it that

1yr ago

why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food

1yr ago

uh oh

1yr ago

i disagree with the comment below

1yr ago

i agree with the comment above

1yr ago

i disagree

1yr ago

the disagreeing person ur disagreeing with people is not disagreeing with the person who is people disagreeing the person disagree disagreeing with the people who is not the disagreeing with

1yr ago


1yr ago

disagreeing u is not bullying the disagree ur disagreeing with person over disagreeing the people

1yr ago

people disagreeing with u is not bullying the person ur disagreeing over

1yr ago

he went chaos eater mode

1yr ago

visionary u are now omdbcore

1yr ago

why is this the most rated map of the last week there is nothing special about this map at all

1yr ago

also lol chaos eater.

1yr ago

Prevention: Learn how to identify bullying and stand up to it safely
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When adults respond quickly and consistently to bullying behavior they send the message that it is not acceptable. Research shows this can stop bullying behavior over time.

Parents, school staff, and other adults in the community can help kids prevent bullying by talking about it, building a safe school environment, and creating a community-wide bullying prevention strategy.

1yr ago

my vision is not 20/20 unfortunately

1yr ago

when you make your magnum opus can you make the diffname 20/20 Vision

1yr ago

good ratings actiol

1yr ago

nekomata master juice

1yr ago

i dont map only brain damaged slider stuff u know

1yr ago

visionary redemption arc

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