ROUND TABLE featuring Nino - Puzzle by Foxy Grandpa
Mapset info
Ranked: Dec 9th, 2016
Average Rating: 1.60 / 5.00 from 46 votes
Japanese Anime
Average Rating: 1.60 / 5.00 from 46 votes
Japanese Anime
JBHyperion Spaghetti |
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Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 from 1 votes
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Rating: 2.50 / 5.00 from 1 votes
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Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 from 1 votes
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Rating: 1.00 / 5.00 from 2 votes
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Comments (24)
like this song is far too beautiful to get THIS treatment
one of the only maps that is truly Aggravating to me with how terrible it is at representing the song's actual present elements LET ALONE its vibes and emotional content
why is this trending. this map is not great but it holds a special place in my heart lol.
I have been personally offended by hhjkl twice this week. First I have had to deal with ur kindred and now I see u give this a 5. Some things I cannot forgive.
i get it
these guys be lookin at Ol' Man Jenkins on the street minding his own business and be like "Hey Let's Kick This Guy"
you'll learn soon enough that the best way to rile up ppl on this website is to say you enjoy something
Why is this one of the most rated maps of the week now lmao
a mess
i will never forgive the round table feat nino slander that this map is
foxygrandpa woated all over this good song what a tragedy
look fellas fellas, u either get it or u dont. now im not gonna shame u for not knowing but.. u rly should know this by now...
this is insanely untrue [2]
this is insanely untrue
every other 2015/2016 anime map gaps this hard thsi is literally bottom of the barrel mapping even for its time period [2]
what "structure" there is just random symmetry from time to time for no reason
every other 2015/2016 anime map gaps this hard thsi is literally bottom of the barrel mapping even for its time period
this map blows
why is everyone playing this again LOL??, i respect it tho i love this map
i fw this in a weird way
structure yum
Dang is it that bad? Maybe I'm a sucker for maps with structure because I kinda like it