"2. Avoid actions that disrespects the site's intended functionality (such as manipulating votes in a group, or using multiaccounts)."
https://prnt.sc/dpbqdf_vwmFx BRUH
No sprixx, you must have the same opinion as him
Pov: You don't have the cognition to argue
"my opinion about your work" = 0 stars in all maps LOL
esse mapa e daora tmb
mas net0 você poderia fazer esse mapa igual o it has begun?
esse mapa é show de bola eu miss so much o old net0
show de bola delta beta
"2. Avoid actions that disrespects the site's intended functionality (such as manipulating votes in a group, or using multiaccounts)."
https://prnt.sc/dpbqdf_vwmFx BRUH
No sprixx, you must have the same opinion as him
Pov: You don't have the cognition to argue
"my opinion about your work" = 0 stars in all maps LOL
esse mapa e daora tmb
mas net0 você poderia fazer esse mapa igual o it has begun?
esse mapa é show de bola eu miss so much o old net0
show de bola delta beta