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Erikillo's comments

Look how they massacred my wife

underrated graveyard map

@nanoya skill issue

Right before the countdown to the song begins, you'll be asked, "Are You Ready?" The answer is "no."

This is hardcore stuff here, pal. You're not cheering on a student trying to study for his exam, or a doctor trying to fix a microwave. You're cheering on warriors of metal, fighting hard, fighting on for the steel, through the wastelands evermore. Do you really have what it takes? I don't think so.

I've even set all the sliders to the default Normal settings, and this level still gets 5 stars. Why? Because it's just that bloody hardcore, mate. This is the very definition of hot-blooded rhythm soul. This is Osu Hero 3: Legends of Ouendan.

So go sit in a corner and wait until I release Normal mode. Or, if you do decide to try this out, don't say I didn't warn you.

i hate this mapset, but i believe it's one of the best in osu! history :c

Setu's Hard from the other mapset mogs this entire catalogue

nevermind, it's also bad


This map is an absolute masterpiece. It has shaken my standards to the ground and redefined what I understood as the meaning of mapping, I couldn't find myself more overjoyed by it. Easily the greatest map I have ever played on osu, and perhaps I'll ever play.
However, at the same time, it pains me. I can't keep on living like this. Knowing that, from now on, every map I play will fail to reach the height this one diff has achieved. Score after score, I will miserably crawl looking for a chart that matches this one's high, my mind steadily corrupting as I reminisce about what was once great, like a drug addict looking for more fent. But nothing will, nothing can. My sanity will continuously wear down as I transform into a husk of my former self, eternally longing and eternally craving, whose pitiful existence does not even deserve empathy.
Finally, when my forces become exhausted after miserably trying wave after wave of 2024 maps, I will ask myself: "Was it worth it?".
I experienced superhuman bliss, true happiness. But in exchange, I ruined not only my own life, but the lives of countless others whose charts got 0-starred in search for mapping smack.
I say it was. 5/5, would inject directly into vein again.

it really has been a long time

Don't sleep on the hard diff

it really is different from just about anything I have ever played

overgimmicked, but the song is a banger

dorchadas slider????

oh no

@MonsieurSebas poor structure all along the map that at times seems random and silly SVs that do not match the general flow. It looks like the entire gimmick of the map is just putting a tiny red anchor at the end of every slider to try and make it fancy. Not only does it feel rough to play, watching it in the editor feels lacking


cho che man


funny slider

sneaky hobbitses

what even is the purpose behind the freeform descriptor?



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