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Woey's comments

Woey on RAM - Mertvetsy
2mo ago

it's more fun at 1.1x speed TBH


wish it wasn't so copypasted but ddm's diff rocks

axe diff is legitimately unplayable lol

i like this more with time but ur kidding urself if u think byfar's section is the hardest

thought it was cool then i played it

Woey on USAO - Showdown
3mo ago

top 10 worst patterns in the game

play it and tell me this isn't mapped in the way that god intended

gazimal diff clears actually

idk what max score was but this would have hit the OBJECT COUNT overflow as well

novelty needs to make a comeback NGL

bring nanahira back right NOW

i can't explain it but kloyd's diff just has the sauce

rhythm game mfs when

this set kinda embarrassing NGL

gapped by a gimmick CtB set

this song has no right being this good

modded FCs are impossible sorry

Woey on Billain - Boogie
3mo ago

simultaneously the best and worst thing ever

I prefer rhythm gunk at this point tbh

Personally I feel like this map sacrifices fun for being challenging and it marks a time where I started seeing more and more customs suffering from the same complaint

I seem to be the odd one out (and i can almost FC this with HD now) but this map really seems to mark the point where tourneys shifted away from what I personally enjoyed

Maybe this map is a scapegoat, sorry if that's the case I guess

Ag could be fanzhen in another timeline not even joking

even ignoring any quality debates this represents basically everything that I don't find enjoyable in a map; excessive downtime, dissonant diff spikes and additive rhythm that is central to the map's construction

it's a shame too cuz I dig a lot of what's in here but I just can't stand the portions that I hate

pretty annoying but still cool regardless

Potto's onto something

i love recollection maps

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