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fooders's comments


His finest work!

Feeling villainous today

Only time I will ever get turnt to Machine Gun Kelly

Many would say this is the day mapping was created

The last kiai is like a spell card

[osu!] The History of PAPERMOON

Das beatmap ist goattenhaffen

Any new jeans fans /s/1929340

I just want burgre

Y that bitch in the background got that dumpy tho

no that was just meant as a dumb remark, I mostly agree with the point but it doesn't harm my perception of the map enough for me to rate it any lower than like 3

RLC got a weak package

I rly like the contracting expanding slider thing cause its so recognizable and impactful that I could show it to a random dude and hed probably bust a fat one out to it not even knowing what a Osu is also the motion itself feels comfy so it plays well to me personally

are you implying that players have outstanding things to say at all about maps cause player descriptions don't go much past "this map is fun" or "this pattern is like a mini apartheid"

baby ayel: Tha-tha-tha-tha-tha-that’s my shit, that’s my wave

need more bakery


handsome help im soooo thiristy.. i need some water... imm gonna die pour some water in my mouth

Thinking about this comment whenever I take a shit

Mint slayed on the gay sex section actually

custom hs is the only acceptable way to play this map


i disagree

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