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Drop - Granat by Kyouren

Mapset info
Ranked: Jun 14th, 2024
Average Rating: 2.27 / 5.00 from 124 votes
Instrumental Other Genre
Ascended AirinCat

Rating Distribution
Rating: 2.54 / 5.00 from 10 votes
Ranking: #514 for 2024, #7460 overall
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Extra 5.53*
Rating Distribution
Rating: 2.21 / 5.00 from 8 votes
Ranking: #830 for 2024
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separate your tags with commas
Rating Distribution
Rating: 2.56 / 5.00 from 7 votes
Ranking: #675 for 2024, #9484 overall
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separate your tags with commas
Rating Distribution
Rating: 1.94 / 5.00 from 7 votes
Ranking: #854 for 2024
slider only
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separate your tags with commas
Chaos 5.23*
Rating Distribution
Rating: 2.47 / 5.00 from 8 votes
Ranking: #653 for 2024, #9112 overall
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separate your tags with commas
Rating Distribution
Rating: 2.34 / 5.00 from 7 votes
Ranking: #751 for 2024
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separate your tags with commas
Ultra 5.10*
Rating Distribution
Rating: 1.59 / 5.00 from 7 votes
Ranking: #889 for 2024
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Drop's Granat 5.04*
mapped by [ Drop ]
Rating Distribution
Rating: 3.49 / 5.00 from 7 votes
Ranking: #473 for 2024, #6854 overall
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separate your tags with commas
Rating Distribution
Rating: 2.67 / 5.00 from 8 votes
Ranking: #545 for 2024, #7797 overall
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separate your tags with commas
Rating Distribution
Rating: 2.66 / 5.00 from 8 votes
Ranking: #548 for 2024, #7813 overall
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separate your tags with commas
Rating Distribution
Rating: 2.97 / 5.00 from 8 votes
Ranking: #461 for 2024, #6696 overall
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separate your tags with commas
Hyper 3.70*
Rating Distribution
Rating: 2.47 / 5.00 from 7 votes
Ranking: #707 for 2024, #9969 overall
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separate your tags with commas
Hard 3.20*
Rating Distribution
Rating: 2.47 / 5.00 from 7 votes
Ranking: #706 for 2024, #9968 overall
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separate your tags with commas
Rating Distribution
Rating: 2.78 / 5.00 from 6 votes
Ranking: #718 for 2024
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separate your tags with commas
Rating Distribution
Rating: 2.38 / 5.00 from 7 votes
Ranking: #744 for 2024
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separate your tags with commas
Easy 1.69*
Rating Distribution
Rating: 2.78 / 5.00 from 6 votes
Ranking: #719 for 2024
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separate your tags with commas
Rating Distribution
Rating: 2.46 / 5.00 from 6 votes
Ranking: #765 for 2024
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separate your tags with commas

Latest Ratings
1mo ago
a cat
on Hyper
2mo ago
a cat
on Light Insane
2mo ago
a cat
on Insane
2mo ago
a cat
on Another
2mo ago
a cat
on Drop's Granat
2mo ago
a cat
on Ultra
2mo ago
a cat
on Chaos
2mo ago
a cat
on Special
2mo ago
a cat
on Expert
2mo ago
a cat
on Master
2mo ago
a cat
on Extra
2mo ago
a cat
on Extreme
2mo ago
3mo ago
on Drop's Granat
3mo ago
on Master
3mo ago
on Extreme
3mo ago
on Expert
3mo ago

Comments (14)
3mo ago


3mo ago

(its watever)

3mo ago

THE granat

3mo ago

I agree with a bat

3mo ago

I agree with renumi

3mo ago


3mo ago

@tilda so true, homie

3mo ago

drop gd kinda carried i cant lie

3mo ago

i can tell this is going to be a treat to play through

3mo ago

Great set

3mo ago

umn style mapping

3mo ago

I take away 5 out of 5 points on [Extra] due to 00:32:111 this part, ruined diff for me.

3mo ago


3mo ago

nice spread

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