Huh.. I kind of have a guilty pleasure with this diff. despite of me almost raging at the amount of times I choke on the jumps, because I suck at aiming so much... ;_;
Anyways I don't like the 1/3rd section being a stack of circles, it's kinda weird.
For the Hard diff. I also kind of hated of how high the sv and jumps are, but at least it's somewhat easy to FC it after a few tries, unlike some of the high bpm hard diffs that I have played before.
okay I do have to give a bit of credit in the insane diff. for it's rather decent looking object placements I think...
At least it's nowhere near as bad as the thriller beatmap..
(one of the very few 2007 maps that uses the bpm to speed up the sliders :P)
also banger song <3
I wish I'd remap this if I have any time left and if I'm not being a lazy guy.. In which I can unfortunately say that I cannot, because school....Why does it have to waste so much of my precious time.. :(
~~~8 hours gone into the abyss...every four days~~~
~~and another 5 for fridays~~~
~~~ /(-_-')\ ~~~
I like the insane diff. and the skin, but the Hard is somehow super boring.. -_-
Huh.. I kind of have a guilty pleasure with this diff. despite of me almost raging at the amount of times I choke on the jumps, because I suck at aiming so much... ;_;
Anyways I don't like the 1/3rd section being a stack of circles, it's kinda weird.
For the Hard diff. I also kind of hated of how high the sv and jumps are, but at least it's somewhat easy to FC it after a few tries, unlike some of the high bpm hard diffs that I have played before.
I may not be a fan to modern mapping at all, but I gotta say that this song aswell as this map is perfect lmao xP
This song honestly gives me chills when I listen to this everytime, because it's so unusual yet it slaps so good! O_O
the bursts in the end are pretty annoying, because it's like a somewhat hidden burst too..
But the rest is pretty cool!
Okay I starting to understand why it's added into the website...
At least it's a ban to misuse the description to make fun of it or else it could probably get too chaotic lol
best fanzhen map
Wait why are there descriptions being added on the diffs into this omdb website?
Doesn't this kinda make an even more polarizing split between the people who like the map and people who don't like the map?
I think we've already got enough features even before the description update...
I don't really want the omdb website to turn into Twitter...
[Because Twitter = X = flop]
(And yes I am totally getting off track, but like I just kinda want a little conversation of this website lol...)
I really like the hitsounding on this one and the way the objects are arranges really look clean at least in the Another diff.
(haven't checked the other diffs yet lol)
I like the slow sliders and the somewhat consistent mapping style it went lol and fancy sliders lol
spacing is a bit too intense for the lunatic diff. on these spaced jumps, but these streams seem really fun lol
(use offset +30 for this)
anyways actually decent 2008 map what o_o
best storyboard ever lol xD
burai sliders 2.0?? o_O
nvm I sorta take that back... Hard diff. is just...
What even is this object placement... ;_;
I wish I can FC Hard diff. with HR.. ;w;
(now everyone thinks I'm the weirdo.. ;__;)
but the internet do be pretty dangerous at times..
(just a little...reminder..(^^'))
(oh wait Will Stetson actually commented before wait what...
I completely forgot about that..)
i hate playing it so much, but this map looks fun nonetheless also banger hitsounds + epic song = O_O
i hope people won't send death threats to will stetson, because this comment section looks kinda toxic in my eyes. ._.
anyways hot take:
i don't like the background that sotarks has made..
pretty cringe if I'm being honest.. -_-
(but plz don't just bully will stetson to the ground, he's trying... ;w;)
storyboard very fire though! O_O
Idk why this was my most played map so far...
What even is this beatmap? o_O
okay I do have to give a bit of credit in the insane diff. for it's rather decent looking object placements I think...
At least it's nowhere near as bad as the thriller beatmap..
But I still don't like this beatmap.. ._.
yeah...this hard diff. somehow rivals the quality of kona chan and ichirin no hana in my opinion..
I thought ichirin no hana was bad, but this....
(one of the very few 2007 maps that uses the bpm to speed up the sliders :P)
also banger song <3
I wish I'd remap this if I have any time left and if I'm not being a lazy guy.. In which I can unfortunately say that I cannot, because school....Why does it have to waste so much of my precious time.. :(
~~~8 hours gone into the abyss...every four days~~~
~~and another 5 for fridays~~~
~~~ /(-_-')\ ~~~
cmon guys it isn't that bad ;w;
I really do like the fancy sliders! :3
Although yeah the timing is terrible, but yeahhh....timing this song is actually literal nightmare..