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Name colorhax
Description Maps featuring an intentional use of combo colors aligning with the intensity, structure, or other traits of the song. Often used to create a more visually immersive experience.
Parent descriptor song representation
Proposer squirrelpascals
Type new
Creation date 2024-06-15 22:51:34
Last updated 2024-07-26 21:13:07
Proposals can be approved when it receives 20 votes and has >=65% positive votes. Approvals can only happen after a minimum of 5 days.
Status approved by moonpoint


96.15% voted positively

yes (25): squirrelpascals, shizume, -Koish-, 1103, a bat, unwound, moonpoint, The Cube, aspen, NH3, MonsieurSebas, Emiya Nikita, TheMoonLoop, Renumi, TotallyWaffles, LowAccuracySS, Liyac, -kevincela-, Linkff001, Kurboh, Evil Kama, OctopuSSX, Lucid, wyit, Izzeee
no (0):
hold (1): Sanch-KK

Comments (10)
Comments are disabled for proposals with an outcome.

moonpoint voted yes
1mo ago

late but added!

Linkff001 voted yes
2mo ago


LowAccuracySS voted yes
2mo ago


MonsieurSebas voted yes
2mo ago

Yup u got my vote

squirrelpascals voted yes
2mo ago

@sanch-kk @monsieursebas accounted for misc song traits in the descriptor

MonsieurSebas voted yes
2mo ago

agree with 228

moonpoint voted yes
2mo ago

"colorhax" would probably fit naming conventions better

squirrelpascals voted yes
2mo ago

i think colorhaxing specific sounds or quirks in a song is just as valid. i'd be down to make the desc more clear if necessary

I wanted to address the grey area of maps that use a single colorhaxed note for the entire map, which could bloat the category. it's a matter of how important colorhaxing is to the map to warrant the descriptor.

Sanch-KK voted hold
2mo ago

i heavily disagree with this category applying only to maps with colorhax being used to represent structure/intensity, because other uses are just as valid and impressive in the right context as this one

squirrelpascals voted yes
2mo ago

Pretty prominent mapping technique that's been used for 10+ years. imo colorhaxing can make the difference between an great/mindblowing map so it'd be cool to see the top rated maps of this category. Some maps that might colorhax single notes/sounds which wouldn't fit the category as well, hence why my description references overall song structure.

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