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8686m - canon by guden

Mapset info
Ranked: Aug 22nd, 2023
Average Rating: 3.50 / 5.00 from 3 votes
Japanese Rock
Hytex Shad0wStar

Rating Distribution
Rating: 3.50 / 5.00 from 3 votes
Ranking: #15 for 2023, #113 overall
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on [4K] lunatic
7mo ago
on [4K] lunatic
7mo ago
on [4K] lunatic
1yr ago

Comments (2)
7mo ago

i forgot to say it but: when i say anchors should be used with "some taste" i mean like in the example i used; anchors should be combined with some other patterns (like oh-trills) to make them feel less rigid and flow-y in a sense.

again, this is a good chart and *you* should check it out.

7mo ago

i've never been quite the biggest fan when it comes to anchors, i find them rigid and not necessarily the greatest ways to create strain in patterns. disguise (the mapper) has similar issues and i find that most mappers when trying to make dump patterning they tend to be very rigid with it. anchors have a place in dumps, of course, but they have to be used carefully and with some taste you feel me?

i try not to rate charts from friends but i thought this would be a good place to share these thoughts i had.

5/10 - i honestly like this, specially some sections where the jumpstreams flow greatly with the oh-trills and anchors like in 01:40:622 - 01:41:137, but that would be it imo. i don't know, maybe i just dislike the idea of it being so anchor-y combined with the jumpstream. i guess it's a thing of taste rather than the structure of the chart being flawed --which i tried to make it as obvious with my comments--.

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