Raphiiel - RoquiRa : Between Life and Death by JeZag
Mapset info
Ranked: Aug 23rd, 2023
Average Rating: 3.54 / 5.00 from 45 votes
Instrumental Electronic
Average Rating: 3.54 / 5.00 from 45 votes
Instrumental Electronic
rosario wknd Didah |
Rating: 3.59 / 5.00 from 45 votes
Ranking: #28 for 2023, #644 overall
Ranking: #28 for 2023, #644 overall
tech, marathon, variable timing, tournament custom, slider tech, jump aim |
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Comments (11)
enjoyable map
this bg is a 5
zzz sadly
my bad
iihate tourney maps
the commissioned correct guitar offset incident
its agreeable
i felt like i just took a huge shit
gameplay is rly satisfying
idk it's a map
bosss damn