Convexity - Steadfast by 0ppInOsu
Mapset info
Last updated: Jul 20th, 2023
Average Rating: 3.25 / 5.00 from 2 votes
English Electronic
Graved Mapset
Average Rating: 3.25 / 5.00 from 2 votes
English Electronic
Graved Mapset
Rating: 3.25 / 5.00 from 2 votes
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Comments (3)
anyways a proper collab between these two (not saying the other mapper to give you ample chance to check the map and figure out who it is (its very easy)) could be earthshattering. two mappers that have perfected the design-gameplay balance at their peaks
wondered who the collab partner was coz it doesnt say in map description or anything but as soon as the bookmark hit i knew instantly