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Mindless Self Indulgence - Dicks Are for My Friends by Morusya

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Ranked: Jun 29th, 2024
Average Rating: 2.75 / 5.00 from 2 votes
English Rock
Kimitakari 050

Rating Distribution
Rating: 2.00 / 5.00 from 1 votes
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Rating Distribution
Rating: 3.50 / 5.00 from 1 votes
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on Overdose
1mo ago
on Sausage Party
1mo ago

Comments (3)
1mo ago

dont let him know how did i map both odose diffs

1mo ago

the overdose is nice tho. its kinda what i was hoping for with this song

1mo ago

this is trying to be abrasive but the patterns and strain come off as pretty simple imo

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