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Shoji Meguro feat. Lyn - The Whims of Fate (Cut Ver.) by Stompy_

Mapset info
Ranked: Sep 3rd, 2024
Average Rating: 0.75 / 5.00 from 4 votes
English Jazz
Okoratu dakiwii

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Ag's Hard 3.19*
mapped by __Ag
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Rating Distribution
Rating: 1.36 / 5.00 from 2 votes
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Daycore's Easy 1.72*
mapped by Daycore
Rating Distribution
Rating: 1.36 / 5.00 from 2 votes
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Latest Ratings
on Daycore's Easy
1w ago
on Normal
1w ago
on Normal
1w ago
on Daycore's Easy
1w ago

Comments (1)
1w ago

overmapping and half the map isn't even following the beat the WORST normal i've seen

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