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3034 - NS18 by Fullerene-

Mapset info
Submitted: Sep 5th, 2015
Average Rating: 4.25 / 5.00 from 2 votes
Instrumental Video Game
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5mo ago

Caliber, Structured way of mapping jumpstreams can be seen on a lot of mappers, since his way its pretty unique. A lot of players think that mapping jumpstream its pretty easy and "fun" But this map combines both fun and good representation

As it may be seen Caliber uses trills to emphasize the drill-esque sound then once we get until the bridge Caliber change his approach to one simplier since the song intensity slowed down a lot. Now the "Drill sounds" are bein represented with minijacks and anchors. These minijacks once the intensity its enough stressfull thanks to using all the minijacks on a really easy hand to stress at a high bpm then he changes to a LN followed up by a single. Which stops when the sound should continue making it feel off on purpose. Then he puts an anchor above the single note to keep the stress of the bridge this helps a lot to deal with the next part of the song which will be heavier. He changes the approach to use anchors for the vocals and once the vocals says the word "House" He changes it to a LN and adds another ln for the Japanese folky sound. I wont follow up more how he builds the map bc its pretty self explanatory since its a map with a pretty clear structure.

Imo this mapping style that Caliber brought to table revolutionized Jumpstream mapping as we know it now. This map was uploaded on 2015 among the same time that icyworld was working on a lot of his works. This mapping style can be seen on works like "DJ Sharpnel Instrumentality Project" and thats something impressive. The usage of trills and jumps for vocal representation on a way that havent been seen before around that time helped a lot ot build up what we know as Jumpstream Mapping, even when people are usually find inspired by icyworld this way to approach Jumpstream cannot be ignored as Revolutionary and Unique for its time and still being used by a lot of mappers.

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