Hatsune Miku - Mythologia's End by val0108
Mapset info
Ranked: Jul 8th, 2012
Average Rating: 3.66 / 5.00 from 77 votes
Japanese Rock
Average Rating: 3.66 / 5.00 from 77 votes
Japanese Rock
Skyripper Garven wcx19911123 |
Rating: 3.64 / 5.00 from 77 votes
Ranking: #36 for 2012, #412 overall
Ranking: #36 for 2012, #412 overall
improvisation, streams, symmetrical, bursts |
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Comments (9)
best diffname ever
hardest diffname ever like actually
praise crowd noise hitsounding here
never really liked that map all that much before, at least not as much as other val maps but i just played it again right now this fucking rips
I think Basara's gotta take it in that regards but this is a close second for me
i lowkey didnt realise so much of this was additive lol
Probably the best additive rhythm map I know of
maybe the most iconic map from 2012