Nishiki Yasunori - Grandport, Center of Commerce by wonjae

Mapset info
Ranked: Oct 25th, 2019
Average Rating: ?? / 5.00 from 0 votes
Instrumental Video Game
Average Rating: ?? / 5.00 from 0 votes
Instrumental Video Game
Latest Ratings
Comments (4)
slight over exaggeration cause the last 1/2 aint bad but the rhythm sucks (what was the point of reverse slider vs 3 note usage when there wasnt much difference)and i asked wonjae to apply for me at some point.
anyway that was my first salad u win some u lose some

sir your salad took my specific virginity you better take responsibility
if this is a bad salad (it's not), 2/3 of the ranked salads are worse than terrible (they aren't)
your honor kill this salad