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Eagle - S!ck by tsuka

Mapset info
Ranked: Feb 9th, 2014
Average Rating: 3.92 / 5.00 from 89 votes
Instrumental Video Game
Ephemeral Scorpiour

Rating Distribution
Rating: 4.10 / 5.00 from 57 votes
Ranking: #11 for 2014, #43 overall
slider tech, download unavailable
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separate your tags with commas
Extra 5.40*
mapped by Skystar
Rating Distribution
Rating: 3.88 / 5.00 from 18 votes
Ranking: #83 for 2014, #1488 overall
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separate your tags with commas
Another 4.42*
mapped by Natteke
Rating Distribution
Rating: 3.44 / 5.00 from 5 votes
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Hyper 2.41*
Rating Distribution
Rating: 3.19 / 5.00 from 3 votes
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Standard 1.96*
mapped by Deye
Rating Distribution
Rating: 2.76 / 5.00 from 3 votes
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Rating Distribution
Rating: 2.89 / 5.00 from 3 votes
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Happy Satoko
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Comments (9)
4w ago

why does this have symmetrical descriptor there's like 2% of the map being symmetrical

1mo ago

tsuka might be a god

6mo ago

still goated

1yr ago

my favorite tsuka's map

1yr ago

123456 DO IT

1yr ago

IT SAID 12345678 NOT 123456 DO IT

1yr ago

i thought it said 12345678

1yr ago

how come no one is talking about the Cool S slider

1yr ago

123456 do it

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