seiya-murai feat. ALT - 8bit Princess by fanzhen0019
Mapset info
Ranked: Aug 29th, 2013
Average Rating: 3.94 / 5.00 from 103 votes
Japanese Video Game
Average Rating: 3.94 / 5.00 from 103 votes
Japanese Video Game
aabc271 Strawberry Nymph |
Rating: 4.04 / 5.00 from 82 votes
Ranking: #7 for 2013, #35 overall
Ranking: #7 for 2013, #35 overall
cutstreams, download unavailable |
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Rating: 3.35 / 5.00 from 4 votes
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Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 from 4 votes
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Comments (11)
the fact that i keep thinking about this map long after i've played it is probably a good sign
fanzhen's best maps make me think of if osu was an ouendan spiritual successor for PC made by a team of professional game designers and one of the level designers was actually incredible at their job
omdb top 50 reviewing journey - #48
fanzhen flexing his ability of patterning as early as 2013, the map doesn't feel much arbitrary at all but i think fanzhen himself grew as a mapper later on and this map looking back feels like a stepping stone for him rather than his defining work. still a good map.
I like the long stream but I think fanzhen has made so many more interesting maps than this. It's a pretty early one of his, to be fair
one for each i in iidx
since this was in iidx i have to deduct 2 points on this one sorry
ar9 od6 literally tilts me but the map is quite awe4some
cool ninja spinner execution
I love this map