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this display will be way more epic later. for now i'll just show highest charting nominated maps
Appleseed - Good Luck [Hard]
2.85 / 5.00 from 9 votes , #7793 overall
Galaxy Angel - Galaxy Bang! Bang! [Hard]
1.33 / 5.00 from 5 votes
Jam Project - Fire Wars [Hard]
3.07 / 5.00 from 5 votes
M2U - World Opening [Hard]
3.08 / 5.00 from 5 votes
Ali Project - King Knight [Hard]
3.09 / 5.00 from 4 votes
Cynthia Harrell - Snake Eater [Hard]
3.76 / 5.00 from 3 votes
Jonathan Coulton - Code Monkey [Hard]
2.98 / 5.00 from 3 votes
2.05 / 5.00 from 3 votes

This display is currently WIP! I am planning to add a checkbox to hide less-relevant maps (ones with low amount of ratings)

Ken Clinger - Babilfrenzo
Hard 2.62*
Oct 29th, 2007
8 comments 1.95 / 5.00 from 13 votes
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