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vimun's comments

very ahead of its time, gameplay isnt that exceptional but its still fun

very enjoyable to play and the rhythm is sick

short but sweet, plays really well even though my skill isnt quite there yet lol

vimun on boa - Duvet
2mo ago

the low ar fits the song imo and it makes it a tad more difficult which i like (although ar 9 would have been fine too)
i like the jumpy patterns as well

very underrated map, considering it has no ratings at the time of me writing this comment
the simple tech patterns are great for players new to the style (and the song goes well with it too)

its just simply really fun to play, very fitting for the song

maybe im underrating this cause i think the song deserves better, just found it pretty repetitive and felt like there was more you could have done to represent the song
not bad for a first ranked map though

choked an fc on this with only 300 combo remaining fml (:
still a great map though

very enjoyable to play, quickest 5 minutes of my life when playing this map

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