maps that hit
Made by GO F59PH 562
like u ever just play a map and you get through some section and ur just like holy fuck that was an experience
(list wip will probably keep adding to it)
the moment the first kiai ends and the break time kicks in is genuinely breathtaking
was mesmerized by this as a newer player, the geometric patterning was crazy to me when i saw this in 2013
the map FEELS LIKE THE SONG like i cannot describe it better than that
the expanding back and forth jumps during the verses blew my mind in 2014
probs one of the best executions of this awk aim style i've ever seen
this shit was so cool to play back in 2014, i remember thinking it looked like shit but played unbelievably well
the first kiai in this is clipfarm in the weirdest way possible
this is elvis' masterpiece i think like this map is just a religious experience if u play it fully through
second half of the first kiai when it's all the long sliders is fucking insane