Unknown Artist - Spelunker by IOException

Mapset info
Ranked: Aug 22nd, 2024
Average Rating: 1.54 / 5.00 from 101 votes
Instrumental Video Game
Average Rating: 1.54 / 5.00 from 101 votes
Instrumental Video Game
Rating: 1.61 / 5.00 from 67 votes
Ranking: #1373 for 2024
Ranking: #1373 for 2024
repetition, circle only, geometric, improvisation, gimmick, reading, overlap reading, avant-garde |
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Rating: 0.88 / 5.00 from 5 votes
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Rating: 0.88 / 5.00 from 4 votes
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Comments (60)
just to be clear; it's chill
also is there an update on tagging system? its been so long since it was first announced
w dt at least
there are 3 other ranked sets of this song he can look at those instead
Jeremiasz's insane is p fun
other than that i feel like the tagging system in the ranked section will solve this issue and hopefully that happens within our lifetimes
+ i don't think "everything should be ranked" but maybe everything should have a leaderboard (in an ideal world where this is feasible)
if jimmy's favourite game is cat mario he deserves to suffer honestly
Whenever a new player asks for advice, the first thing I always tell them is "avoid unranked maps, anything in the ranked section is pretty much guaranteed to be a decent time". When Jimmy's favorite game is Cat Mario and they really want to play spelunker and downloads this, they're in for a shit time.
This is why I don't like the "everything should be ranked, don't like it, don't download it" motto, even if I agree with it on a fundamental level if you look at the game as a whole or other controversial but perfectly playable maps in ranked.
I like/appreciate/get the vision of this map still.
"This is what loved is for" is not a thinly-veiled "this map sucks" for me, I've always seen ranked as a safe place where anyone can download any map and expect it and to be playable/sightreadable and this subverts my expectation. But maybe I need to let go of this idea
someone could 4mod it i think
on second thought the fun doesn't start until DT is enabled
i've been hate-playing shitmaps for years to avoid the skill issue this is nothing new
no, u can admit u had a little fun in the grind tho :b
took me like 35 minutes can i say it's ass now
says the guy who used a custom mp3 and storyboard to FC this
just scratched the left side and then followed by the right side of my nutsack
not being able to fc this is literally the equivalent to losing against children in memory board games im sorry
this map is shit
thats why vetoes suck
actually wait who cares whats in ranked its not affecting you like just dont download the map bro
i see the vision i'd just rather not see it ever again
"this is what loved was made for" just sounds like a thinly veiled "this map sucks" lol
This probably wouldn't pass loved voting considering the community-at-large's reactions to it :P ranked should be the place where these niches can be filled imo
does it really matter if its ranked vs loved
im happy for this to have a leaderboard but idk why this needed to go in ranked. this is what loved was made for. they shouldve done it like the TAG4 sets where one diff is loved and the rest are ranked
lets rank more memory slop
either way, im happy to see more silly sets like these ranked
top diff being ar0 tanks fun more than the patterning itself imo
hyper and insane are pretty good, so id recommend playing them instead if ur not used to low ar
tbf a (close to) pure memory check is either fun or not, just depends on the person i guess
i like syobon action (the inspo game) but generally i don't like memory maps on osu (as opposed to hard to read maps)
> mouse drift is SO ANNOYING on this?
just hold the mouse bludðŸ˜
didn't get very far, but even as a memory check every diff was incredibly unfun for me
something like mikazuki has a ton of feedback when u misread and fail - it's pretty unlikely that you'll get it wrong more than 3x in a row
for me I found it easier to learn the rhythm by opening the editor and looking than playing this map - not sure if it's this way for other people but I find that pretty bad execution
believe in the me that believes in u
its a fun map to memorize
if u manage to get 50 combo u can do the whole thing basically
just cut it into pieces and learn every section on its own
trust the process and take ur time
im getting brain damage i cant do this
uuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh uummmmmmmmmmmm
dont rate it if u cant fc it...
as a proud spelunkerhead i might actually give this a try
no love for da spelunkerheads 🥀
i like the set
mouse drift is SO ANNOYING on this?
ill rate once i fc
i'm so happy
maps like this restore my faith in the ranked section
amazing level of song representation and emotion
+0.5 for the sheer insanity
its alr over guys milr gave it a 3...
stream practice map core
I've come to not hate it that much but it's still the most boring and laziest way to execute this concept imo
"we dont need a leaderboard on this" people are going to compete for leaderboard spots on this, so I disagree
now give it a zero ♥
we dont need a leaderboard on this
what does this accomplish
peak mapping
Thank you