Aoi - King Atlantis by Scub
Rating: 3.43 / 5.00 from 43 votes
Ranking: #64 for 2023, #900 overall
Ranking: #64 for 2023, #900 overall
tournament custom, tech, collab, storyboard, slider tech |
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PepeBusinessCorp's "Antedil...
mapped by Realazy, DeviousPanda, Kowari, iljaaz and Deca
mapped by Realazy, DeviousPanda, Kowari, iljaaz and Deca
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StarrStyx, Anxient, Lolicore &am...
mapped by Aeril, xLolicore-, Anxient and Nakano Itsuki
mapped by Aeril, xLolicore-, Anxient and Nakano Itsuki
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Comments (11)
chat is this real
too technical
we found a way to vote scub maps no way
probably my favorite in ranked
this is one of my favorite custom tiebreakers i think
i refuse to believe this was speedmapped
ihate tourney maps
mapping looks good
Rateable scub map no way
what toybot said
gaps every custom tb