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gmtn. (witch's slave) - furioso melodia by LeCandy

Mapset info
Ranked: Sep 8th, 2023
Average Rating: 1.91 / 5.00 from 34 votes
Instrumental Electronic
Cris- Didah

Rating Distribution
Rating: 1.87 / 5.00 from 34 votes
Ranking: #2388 for 2023
marathon, storyboard
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Comments (10)
10mo ago

wispy you should look at the new tttechno

10mo ago

I mean if you go and map furioso melodia then what do you expect? It has such a big status as a turning point in the mapping meta that you can't avoid being compared. In my honest opinion there are songs that are tied to such grand maps that they should be given a status where they are not allowed to be ranked if mapped by someone else (furioso melodia being one of them). That being said I haven't looked at the map so I have no opinion on it, because the quality of the map is irrelevant in this matter. This is about preserving history of osu! and therefore I hope that this doesn't become a trend in the future.

10mo ago

Consistent styling and patterning throughout with well executed contrast between sections. The style is fine and quite sexy but i wish more contrast could be created between and within patterns through patterning choices especially in the streams.

The green section is prime, looks fun as to play.

10mo ago

it's a shame because i dont often hate them that much but like "why?" you know

10mo ago

i ask myself that question a lot when looking at some of the lecandy remaps @quaternary

10mo ago

the triplet swing part is so funny. song builds to a crest, storyboard changes color and introduces a foreboding pulse, hitsounding gets intense... meanwhile the map seemingly doesn't notice the song changed for another 8 measures or so

10mo ago

who is this even for

10mo ago

i expected a lot more from 2023 furioso melodia map

10mo ago

the NM6ification of furioso melodia

10mo ago

i wouldn't dislike this nearly as much if the original didn't exist, but this just does literally everything the original map does in a directly worse way

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