yuigot + Hakushi Hasegawa - Oto ga Suru by ak74
Mapset info
Last updated: Sep 1st, 2023
Average Rating: 3.62 / 5.00 from 34 votes
Japanese Novelty
Graved Mapset
Average Rating: 3.62 / 5.00 from 34 votes
Japanese Novelty
Graved Mapset
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Comments (8)
this is just ryuuseigun but worse
the juice
hitsounds are pretty goofy LOL
damn u weren't kidding some of these slider shapes are insane wtf
why yes i would love some ice cream
damn one of the sliders in this map is almost exactly like a shape that came to me while sketching curves and shapes like early this year
the kinda shit that makes you doubt your eyes. are these sliders even real