Jea - snows ~Soshite Kiseki~ by TheShadowOfDark

Mapset info
Ranked: Jul 9th, 2024
Average Rating: 3.23 / 5.00 from 15 votes
Instrumental Electronic
Average Rating: 3.23 / 5.00 from 15 votes
Instrumental Electronic
Rating: 3.26 / 5.00 from 15 votes
Ranking: #217 for 2024, #2678 overall
Ranking: #217 for 2024, #2678 overall
streams, marathon, repetition |
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Comments (8)
im changing my mind this is perfect
honestly feeling kinda GAS on this one
agree with jamesjan on 01:16:507 otherwise perfect map
01:10:064 (1) - super cool pattern evolution
01:16:507 - deathstreams for this and next section is big blunder
mapping intro with cool cut streams and then NEVER placing anything like that in a map again is so tragic, i remember playing it for the 1st time and thought wait this might be the best map ever and then it just flopped and deteriorated to seamob style
I agree but it's also still fun like this, I know it's essentially stamina training but dammit if those patterns aren't satisfying to hit
like ik the song doesnt help but this couldve been way more rhythmically interesting