Friends: 21
Ratings: 4054
Comments: 151
Ranked Mapsets: 8
Approved Edits: 632
Descriptor votes: 1975
Ratings: 4054
Comments: 151
Ranked Mapsets: 8
Approved Edits: 632
Descriptor votes: 1975
Rating Distribution
About me
osu mapper | osu!droid player
any ratings on my maps WILL be taken as personal attacks against my character
any ratings on my maps WILL be taken as personal attacks against my character
...view more!
This display is currently WIP! I am planning to add a checkbox to hide less-relevant maps (ones with low amount of ratings)
Car Seat Headrest - Drunk Drivers/Killer Whales
it doesn't have to be like this 6.49* (collab)
Oct 23rd, 2021
it doesn't have to be like this 6.49* (collab)
Oct 23rd, 2021
3.76 / 5.00 from 3 votes
Hana - Sakura no Uta (Sped Up Ver.)
quantumvortex's Thousand Cherry Blossoms 7.82* (GD)
Jul 10th, 2018
quantumvortex's Thousand Cherry Blossoms 7.82* (GD)
Jul 10th, 2018
0.88 / 5.00 from 5 votes