Silver Forest - Tsurupettan by Hitoshirenu Shourai
Mapset info
Ranked: Aug 29th, 2008
Average Rating: 2.56 / 5.00 from 40 votes
Japanese Video Game
Average Rating: 2.56 / 5.00 from 40 votes
Japanese Video Game
Saturos MaxwellDemon |
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Comments (13)
I love hating this map
Tsurupeta tte iu naa (T_T)
i get it
wait how is this at the bottom 5 of 2008 maps? ._.
sometimes i kind of don't get the way the maps are rated in omdb... .-.
this map is awesome actually
seems you either love it or hate it, i'm on the middle
Joining the 4s on this one it rocks
hito cult
map fucking sucks I love it is so fun
this is aids in a chill kind of way
Fantastic use of nonsense/implied rhythm in a enjoyable way, mapping with feel real shit
funny but becomes incomprehensible at times and the snappings are miserable to play