07th Expansion - Eiji Kuinbii by Natteke
Mapset info
Ranked: Dec 27th, 2011
Average Rating: 3.88 / 5.00 from 72 votes
Instrumental Video Game
Average Rating: 3.88 / 5.00 from 72 votes
Instrumental Video Game
Kurai Garven narakucrimson |
Rating: 3.83 / 5.00 from 72 votes
Ranking: #5 for 2011, #175 overall
Ranking: #5 for 2011, #175 overall
simple, streams, stamina, improvisation, wide aim |
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Comments (5)
I think the rhythm variation is one of the best things characteristic to old maps
The ending is probably the most powerful thing in a osu map
Too bad a lot of people only look at this as stream farm because this map is actually shockingly good given how damn repetitive the song is. The rhythm variations work really well to keep the map fun while still being coherent with the music