yu_tokiwa.djw - murmur twins by Muya
Mapset info
Ranked: Aug 9th, 2013
Average Rating: 3.90 / 5.00 from 140 votes
English Video Game
Average Rating: 3.90 / 5.00 from 140 votes
English Video Game
kanpakyin ignorethis |
Rating: 4.09 / 5.00 from 108 votes
Ranking: #3 for 2013, #14 overall
Ranking: #3 for 2013, #14 overall
finger control, stamina, download unavailable, clean |
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Rating: 3.32 / 5.00 from 4 votes
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Rating: 2.78 / 5.00 from 3 votes
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Rating: 2.49 / 5.00 from 3 votes
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Rating: 2.49 / 5.00 from 3 votes
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Rating: 3.97 / 5.00 from 2 votes
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Comments (12)
Yu tokiwa saved my lifeeeee
perfect map
lol @ the mfer taking a map's ingame difficulty rating into account when rating a map that was created before the game had difficulty ratings (as if the SR should mean anything anyway).
if this map wasnt good it would be bad [3]
if this map wasnt good it would be bad [2]
if this map wasnt good it would be bad
You all cannot possibly be serious 💀
Over hyped beyond belief, if this map didnt have weird rhythm stuff going on making this the most annoyingly difficult 5 star ever then everyone would forget it existed
That said it's aight, but you really gonna put it this high up huh
omdb top 50 reviewing journey - #29
a classic stream map, it's really cool to see how Muya manages to catch musical nuances through seemingly pretty simple distance snap'd patterns. kinda flexing their mastery in mapping really, to this day this map puts the majority of stream maps to shame.
The streams on this go kinda crazy
this always gave me goosebumps, very amazing map though
one of muya's best