Tipper - Dreamsters by Drimm
Mapset info
Submitted: Jan 21st, 2019
Average Rating: 4.04 / 5.00 from 36 votes
Other Language Electronic
Loved Mapset
Average Rating: 4.04 / 5.00 from 36 votes
Other Language Electronic
Loved Mapset
Rating: 4.03 / 5.00 from 36 votes
Ranking: #9 for 2019, #173 overall
Ranking: #9 for 2019, #173 overall
playfield constraint, precision, gimmick, cutstreams, marathon |
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Comments (5)
p nice! hypnotic map for hypnotic song
what was your favorite layer guys
God this map is good
the world of drimm actually went and did it after he said to himself "oh im gonna make so many maps after this one fellas"
very fun gimmick map and one of the better maps in terms of gameplay with a cs that high
also fun with EZ, what a lot of people play this map on already