Tokyo Jihen - Sounan by Uberzolik

Mapset info
Ranked: Sep 11th, 2019
Average Rating: 3.40 / 5.00 from 309 votes
Japanese Rock
Average Rating: 3.40 / 5.00 from 309 votes
Japanese Rock
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Rating: 3.68 / 5.00 from 145 votes
Ranking: #17 for 2019, #225 overall
Ranking: #17 for 2019, #225 overall
messy, progression, variable timing |
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Rating: 2.61 / 5.00 from 3 votes
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Comments (69)
ts is so ass
The choppy handplaced streams are just there cuz at the time I thought it was cool when I saw smth similar in a revurii map
ok ayaya diff is swag as hell i just wish not eveyrhting is playfield shunshin no jutstu my mouse swinging skills is rusting hard rn
[Insane] is really a tour de force of a mapper who has great understanding of the gameplay experience of this game
air really said: "let me cook"
I don't think I've ever had indian food
I bet uberzollik likes indian food since it's so Naan
ayaya th goat
i don't think it will mean anything when i explain either since i was speaking subjectively but i was just referring to how it spams tricky patterns and aim control lol
i had thought you meant the uber diff but i just felt like complimenting the diff i liked tbh lol (i don't dislike uber's diff but it's probably like a 2.5-3.5 for me)
oh i meant the uberzolik diff but also what makes a pattern "engaging" this does not mean anything
In terms of the Ayaya diff at least, the patterns were engaging enough to make me even consider playing a map of this song, I like how it keeps me on my toes despite finding the song extremely boring
ok ngl after playing this i like it less can someone explain the appeal of this map
go check out the sounanniversary post on the main site, and stay around for monthyl sounan appreciation
happy birthday sounan
I just got back from the birthday party
thank you
happy sounanniversary 2023 [2]
Sounan sunday
happy sounanniversary 2023
air is insane
situation; (present) state of affairs; circumstancesoften with a negative connotation
rating all of OLC's 5/5 ratings #2
this song is great and this map is also really cool with the visual design to the rhythm to the movement this is just REALLY solid
02:44:250 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - ran out room :(((((
that fuckin dorchadas comment is incredible thanks ninore
what did he mean by this
Sheena Cuomo - Say It Ain't Sounan
haha april fools
GUYS thats it. i HATE sounan. this is the WORST map EVER. how did uberzolik make the WORST MAP OF ALL TIME!!!! From now on, i think i will start the Sounan Haters United Team (SHUT). we will HATE SOUNAN ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sounan is the WORST MAP. NEVER PLAY SOUNAN. TELL ALL YOUR LOVED ONES TO HATE SOUNAN!. WE HATE SOUNAN!!!!!!!!!
very fun, good song too
The rorschach test of osu
do u guys like osu mapz
goat map
so beautiful thank u uberzolik 👍
so much Vibez from the top diff
omdb top 50 reviewing journey - #38
it's a good ass map. all the awkwardness presented throughout the map, all the wacky streams, they feel just right. a really successful attempt at whatever the mapper was going for.
the girls who get it get it i think
Thanks I stole it from revurii
yo uberzolik this is pretty cool
aya's having fun mapping it
i still dont get it
this really is the 9/11 of osu mapping
my mans did not deserve this tanking
i get it
gives me da tingles that insane diff
come to monthly sounan appreciation over on the osu page!!!
world's strangest OWC map
it’s a nice map but i don’t get how this can be considered a 5/5
this is the most crazy map of All Time.
insane diff is a miracle
glad to be of help
thanks for clearing this up
Nerdge below
it's #5 because 45 people rated it a 3.78 average, hope this helps
how is this #5
this is just mapped for catch this cant be a std map sry
WHO CUT ME OFF anyway the angle at 01:46:935 (1,2) transforms into a sharp entry angle /w rotation for pitch at 01:47:510 (3,4) not only to represent the increasing pitch of the melody but also to transition into prioritizing drums
i think a part of its success is due to how using the doubles to acknowledge percussion allows uberzolik to hard focus one layer of the map, which is a philosophy that extends to the entire map. when anything rises above the surface of the expressive vocals, it's given full priority. drum fills become barreling streams and wide angle jumps.
the movement is both one of the best in osu and deceptively simple: the wide angle at 01:40:405 (1,2,3,4) carries across all repetitions. the sharp entry angle into a kickslider at 01:44:251 (4,5) carries over into 01:45:979 (6,7,8). the
a map that you really ~savour~
[Ayaya's Extra]
nice fun challenge map, nothing too special though
↓ even though this map is amazing i'm honestly not sure if i could explain why it's amazing to someone who doesn't get it without going object by object. a map with off-kilter angles that happen more as the song gets more intense, occasional symmetry, and messy streams isn't some grand ambition for a map, but everything is executed and paced so excellently that it's one of the greatest maps i've ever seen
ayaya gapping 99% of mappers while mapping with their monitor off is crazy
I love uberzolik nyan >.
Sounan (Insane) 10/10
What does it mean to be unique? Seems like a simple concept to execute, but it’s something I’ve seen only few properly do. A lot of mappers make efforts to provide their maps with a “unique” touch to stand out from the rest, only for it to end up as a shallow representation of something that yearns to stand out without any depth to back it up besides being different. The insane difficulty on this mapset perfectly represents what it means to truly be unique.
Visually the map goes against concepts that make the aesthetics of a map clean and creates something that feels like it should be wrong, but it works so well. In terms of how it plays, It's genuinely one of the most enjoyable maps I can think of. The movement perfectly represents the song and makes you really feel what the song wants you to feel, perfectly emphasizing the emotions meant to be evoked. There's a difference between giving your map contrast to properly represent a song, and bringing that song to life in the form of a map.
This map goes against concepts that are supposedly meant to make a map good, and crafts a map better than any other could’ve made with those concepts. It takes true skill to be able to make something that truly stands out in a special way, something that perfectly represents what it means to be unique.
intently watching ayaya do little ballerina pirouettes in the editor I am Glued to my Screen
wow this sounan song sounds cool i will play the top diff :)
Sounan appreciation month