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chowch's comments

quite fun actually but verse sections fall flat a bit
04:32:576 - haha nice


get this man more cowbell

goofy ahh map

there's so many ideas that handsome stuffed into this map -- the ending sections bookending the beginning, the color coded SVs, the palpable lack of hold sliders with the shift in drumming at 02:04:725, the repeating buildup, the density just *exploding* at the final kiai -- and yet not a single one of them seems arbitrary or tacked on. playing this map feels like being pampered by handsome himself as he serves you a platter consisting of bezier sliders and normal-sliderslide.wav

zhuxiaoyan diff is super mega hot fiya

this is the sematary - rainbow bridge of omdb

it's a funny map but man is it demoralizing to miss and not hear that wet ass normal-hitfinish3.wav

some inspirational patterns so i bumped my rating up a lil (from 3.5)

i don't really have a favorite but i think his gd on singularity is very silly

i still have the nihil raggen edit if any1 wants it

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