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hna's comments

it may have started it all, but it's not that good.

in the grand scheme of things, april.#02 may not look special nor grandiose, but it doesn't need to be any of that, rather, it's delicate, elegant and subtle in its efforts: something much harder to accomplish, in my opinion.

the song provides a solid base to work with, but it's the charter's job to do *justice* to it. the song could be good in the sense that it provides enough rhythms to work with but, if the charter doesn't know how to represent the rhythms provided by the song, does that matter? well, that's nothing to worry about with this chart.

the rhythms are precise and responsive, the subtle jacks, trills and anchors make playing april.#02 a unique experience when comparing it to other technical charts out there. the chart also provides enough challenge to be replayed if the player is looking for an SS/acc score.

10/10 - the song's distinctive rhythms and atmosphere are not easy to come with and fullerene's subtle approach, in its preciseness and elegance, creating rhythms and patterns that feel responsive and representative of the song, makes april.#02 a singular experience that cannot be replicated.

clean and clear with its structure; [12] and [34] reserved for snares, [13] and [24] reserved for "light" kick and [23] for the much more punchy-deep sounding kick. IF there are snares or kicks that are close to each other by 1/4, it is only emphasized the first one with one of the reserved jumps and the next note is, by rule, a single, even if it's a snare or a kick.

long notes are used tastefully and have an impact both visually and physically as well, remarkable for its era when lns had a bad reputation for them being overused and contaminating the playfield with how noisy they were visually.

rhythms are also broken on purpose at times (certain hi-hats are ignored) to emphasize other ones as well.

9/10 - flim by davvy is masterfully done, with a clean and focused structure à la shoegazer --this chart could be compared to shoegazer's epidermis and forgotten (the 2020 version)--, showcasing davvy's ability to organize and structure not only notes but also rhythms, breaking them on purpose to emphasize others, stuff that only someone with experience playing and mapping could do.

davvy, despite having a short career on the mapping scene, left one of the greatest examples of how a breakcore-d&b-idm song should be done.

this shit is still good despite the years
only real breakcore fans will understand

there seems to be a lack of focus through out all the chart, specifically on the consistency of how the patterns are constructed. it makes every pattern feel disconnected from each other and create some weird feeling of imbalance in your hands that i heavily dislike. and it's not because it is "tech" but mostly because the file is constructed in a way that you just don't know what are you even playing (like something straight out of Ska).

the lns are no better really, but that's mostly an stylistic thing from osu!mania that i never understood.

3/10 - the song choice is actually pretty good, and i do like some sections. i specially enjoy the section before the chorus, though the vocal dump need some work there as well, but i like how the percussion was done, very tasty. if i were to describe this, it would be deafening, it's quite hard to comprehend what's really going on, which is my main detractor when playing this.

hna on 8686m - canon
2w ago

i forgot to say it but: when i say anchors should be used with "some taste" i mean like in the example i used; anchors should be combined with some other patterns (like oh-trills) to make them feel less rigid and flow-y in a sense.

again, this is a good chart and *you* should check it out.

hna on 8686m - canon
2w ago

i've never been quite the biggest fan when it comes to anchors, i find them rigid and not necessarily the greatest ways to create strain in patterns. disguise (the mapper) has similar issues and i find that most mappers when trying to make dump patterning they tend to be very rigid with it. anchors have a place in dumps, of course, but they have to be used carefully and with some taste you feel me?

i try not to rate charts from friends but i thought this would be a good place to share these thoughts i had.

5/10 - i honestly like this, specially some sections where the jumpstreams flow greatly with the oh-trills and anchors like in 01:40:622 - 01:41:137, but that would be it imo. i don't know, maybe i just dislike the idea of it being so anchor-y combined with the jumpstream. i guess it's a thing of taste rather than the structure of the chart being flawed --which i tried to make it as obvious with my comments--.

a very short and quick tech file, straight to the point. the actual file doesn't have much issues to point out, it's quite clear in its structure and plays as intended. it's main detractor is the song choice itself, specifically its length, lasting only 1 minute and 33 seconds.

it sucks that the "main" part of the song is around the 1 minute mark, and it lasts 15-20 seconds at max, while the rest of the song is mostly very broken rhythm-wise, with long pauses and sudden bursts. that makes it very out of the ordinary, which is a plus in a sense but, considering that it's mostly a tournament type of file, it's not the greatest one.

7/10 - solid structure and plays well but song choice makes it not the most memorable chart of elekton, specially when comparing to similar charts like "anti-function" and "vanguard-1".

.sm convert, old chart from 2012

hna on Hecq - Dstrukt
3w ago

.sm convert, old chart from 2012

.sm convert, old chart from 2012

cute file

feels a tad rigid for my liking, the dump works but it feels amateur-ish. nonetheless, it does what it is trying to do nicely. the song is good too.

1mo ago

not as good as everyone made it to be

this is really good, drago really knows how to use his lns.

song choice carries the chart. feels pretty much all over the place. there's a lack of progression which makes the song representation feel lacking. meh, could've been better.

yeah, no. we should keep those streams on 2014.

terrible lmao.

hell yeah

tries to replicate shoegazer's sharpnel style, does with moderate success.


no, this is not where my name comes from.

fell in love with this chart the first time i played it, truly unique and special. there's no other chart like "Hana" when it comes to atmosphere.


a high detailed chart from start to finish, nothing to say. the greatest thing that the ranked section has ever and will ever see on the rice department.

this inspired me a ton when making my parannoul charts. vortex- is by far the greatest charter i've ever seen, such a unique style. he's so underrated.

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