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aspen's comments

ffmpeg -i out.avi -an -vcodec libx264 -crf 15 -preset veryslow -tune animation -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf "scale=456:256:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease,pad=456:256:(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2,setsar=1" out2.avi

fucj restraint bruh

aspen on paraoka - L9
3mo ago

【BMS】★99 L9999999999999^99999999999 - paraoka

aspen on Hato - Alastor
3mo ago

Bro gift 50$ - /s/2070669


i like them

goin back to gensokyo just 2 get that~


can i stop being omdb shadowbanned please


aspen on kors k - Clione
4mo ago

no it's fine i just didn't think it would be Chinese

cansomeone press the rank button already like this map has been finished for 11 years?


merry christmas mr lawrence

Thanks for the helpDistanceSpacing: 0.899999976158142

cant you download these somehow

nice ^_^

most chillest beatmap ever (NOT CLICKBAIT)

aspen on Chata - null
4mo ago

ohhhhhhh myu fyckijg database!! O_O

actulay it may nott be that ideal for htis set but something 2 keep in mind.

you dont hvae to write the diff ownders for the custom top diff names right liek Guest difficulty creators, storyboarders, skinners and hitsounders must be added to the tags of a beatmap. Guest difficulty creators must be set as difficulty owners for their respective difficulties in addition to being added to tags. This is to give credit where credit is due and help others identify the main contributors of any given beatmap. Usernames in tags containing single characters separated by spaces must have the spaces replaced with underscores. like you dont have to can we not do this next time

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