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Chata - null by xytoper

Mapset info
Ranked: Jul 28th, 2024
Average Rating: 2.71 / 5.00 from 40 votes
Japanese Pop
yukic Eterdesp

chara 5.49*
Rating Distribution
Rating: 2.55 / 5.00 from 31 votes
Ranking: #976 for 2024
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muce's insane 4.45*
mapped by pumice
Rating Distribution
Rating: 3.33 / 5.00 from 9 votes
Ranking: #267 for 2024, #4114 overall
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Comments (23)
1mo ago

i miss ayaya

1mo ago

the first verse part wasn't exactly my cup of tea but then the map picks up, i didn't think i'd like this map actually lol

1mo ago

Good map i like

1mo ago

ohhhhhhh myu fyckijg database!! O_O

1mo ago

lets make this the worst rated map on omfb :D

1mo ago

pure garbage ranked again

1mo ago

when i'm trying to type the artist's name but my finger misses the t key

1mo ago

soy mapping

1mo ago

thank you kyrian

1mo ago

the kicksliders :(

1mo ago

i thought about it. this is the best map in the game.

1mo ago

not that bad tbh

1mo ago

every1 so angy 😡😡😡

1mo ago

changed my mind. i've done some thinking

1mo ago

thank you pumice

1mo ago

-0.5 for bg

1mo ago

not sure about this one. the sauce is like not here. i can feel sauce. i have a saucescope. there isnt any in this map. its sauceless. no sauce. a lack of sauce has been detected in this beatmap. try again!

1mo ago

03:58:024 (1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1) - i feel a sensation to this one 💆‍♂️

1mo ago

maybe i just don't get it the playing experience is just kind of opaque to me it doesn't register as any particular sensation i guess it's just kind of "null" ha ha ha

1mo ago

agree with dedekind. lots to consider here.

1mo ago

the visuals are cool but i wish it evolves a bit more through the map it feels kind of stagnant throughout the whole thing, also i'm not a fan of how the sliders do not really feel like they affect the flow

1mo ago

Doing flex 🍒😂😂💯💯💯

1mo ago

bae overegged the pudding

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