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ThunderBird2678's comments

kinda crazy how ailv can map this song 7 times but still not reach the level mirash hits and that's not to say that any of ailv's mapsets of this are bad either

"look at sjoy, if you look at his maps in the editor they look like shit but once you play them you just realize they're so fucking fun and you'll never understand why" - lfj, 2022

i love u flake holy shit

tugged at my heartstrings

Incredibly fun experience especially with the flow and the way that the rhythms get mapped so actively, highly recommend this on DT!

This is the first map where I genuinely felt emotionally moved after playing through it. I feel like it's judged quite harshly for its "diffspike" and how awkward some parts can be but I feel like as an experience, it makes you feel so connected to the song and the feelings rushing through it in a way that almost no other map does with a clear progression as you move throughout the entire masterpiece.

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