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Woey's comments

every time i play this i make it 30 seconds farther before getting jumpscared by some new pattern arrangement

idk how to explain it but it made sense to me when i learned that this guy mainly ranks taiko, not standard

goes kinda hard honestly

frustrating playing experience but has the right vibe

i would agree with that i definitely don't think the similarity i see is an accident

song kinda goes nuclear

and i'm joining i just don't see what u see

speak for yourself, this could easily have been in the ak74 set and i wouldn't have batted an eye cuz it would blend in that well to me


don't rate like a goober

+2 without nytrocide's section

kinda wanted it to stray further from ak74's version

Truly insane

Bait used to be believable

maximal rhythm choice IMO, but that just feels like a more dramatic way to say "i like it just cuz"

the end of this might be the most epic 30 seconds ever mapped I'm so serious

it's not great but kuron's version being rated higher is lunacy

this nostalgia is hitting me like a truck

damn it's terminal..

good try

oh right oops, never played that one but it definitely follows the trend on a 4* level

for what it's worth, writing this comment led me to discover 'running' which seems to be the one marathon-length glass beach map in ranked that seems more consistently difficult throughout. i haven't played it yet but i can imagine that i'd enjoy it.


oops essay

i said nothing against the style? i actually like shiny's visual style a lot and it's easily the saving grace of this map for me

the thing that bothers me most is all the downtime. i have actually come around on glass beach in the last few years and like their stuff way more than i used to, but as someone who likes grinding these weird maps for good scores, nearly all of the glass beach maps i've played just don't seem to be worth it.

classic j is definitely the most egregious example, both ranked versions are extremely boring through the first two thirds and it's pretty underwhelming to lose an FC to what is essentially a Big Rock Ending. yoshi's island is also pretty nasty in this area but since the ranked version is only 5.5* it isn't felt as much. most versions of bedroom community seem to follow this trend as well, thought I admittedly haven't played them all. conveniently, cold weather doesn't fit into this category since it's much shorter.

then when this specific map combines that spiky nature with such player-unfriendly patterns, i just can't take it seriously. i don't even need to cite the back-and-forths either; the entire doubles section is objectively missnapped, culminating in the ultimate sliderbreak bait 05:50:452 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2). even more annoying is the complete disregard to make these different buzzslider rhythms look visually different at ALL

05:54:484 (1,2,3) -
05:57:684 (1,2,3) -
06:07:284 (1,2,3) -

i'm (hopefully obviously) not saying that people shouldn't try to map unconventional music, but it seems like the way people naturally gravitate toward mapping this band's songs just doesn't translate to me.

oddly, i'd probably like this way more if it weren't ranked simply because it doesn't feel like it was meant to be played. the more i look at it, the more i feel that it actually captures the essence of this song pretty well. i'm just too opposed to how the progression is handled to appreciate it any more than that.

mayb hot take but I don't feel like this artist is very osu-friendly and it shows through experiments like this

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