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Nekomata Master feat. Nagayama Maki - Watari Sousou by fanzhen0019

Mapset info
Ranked: Jul 14th, 2022
Average Rating: 3.81 / 5.00 from 55 votes
Japanese Pop
Uberzolik FuJu

Rating Distribution
Rating: 3.75 / 5.00 from 55 votes
Ranking: #19 for 2022, #362 overall
chaotic, finger control, reading, precision, swing, clean
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Comments (12)
23h ago

Fanzhen's ability to understand music beyond a tangible sense is unparalleled and I think this map corroborates that best

5mo ago

amazing to play

10mo ago

this is cool but i dont rly like playing it its probably a skill issue on my part

1yr ago

map for people who knows song in and out

1yr ago

map grew back on me its so quirky

1yr ago

nawh this map is just funny

1yr ago

And I feel like I'm the only rockstar, the only onе

1yr ago

this grew off me once i went in the editor and realized how much stuff u have to memorize to play this map. i'm pretty confident in my ar7 i just mean stuff like this 00:58:167 (1,2,3,4) - 01:00:284 (1,2,1,2,1,2). some patterns are ridiculous tho like 02:49:417 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,5), i wish there was more of that bc everything there is fully readable in context

idk maybe im getting filtered i just never liked memorization based gameplay

1yr ago

small circle but no cringe

1yr ago

dude fanzhen might be the greatest low ar mapper of all time... i REALLY don't enjoy playing low ar so thats saying something for sure. the patterns are really innovative and the bg makes me feel a different way. the sr might be ~4.5* but don't let that scare or discourage you from playing this. it is quite special in its own way (that most other maps really cant compare to gimmick-wise)

1yr ago

What the fish doin

1yr ago

a recent masterwork from the best mapper in the game, whose every map takes you to its own personal universe. this one leads you tiptoeing through nagayama maki's gossamer vocals with gentle cross-screen jumps and minute sliders that capture every glimmering background detail. no one can create atmosphere like this.

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