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This display is currently WIP! I am planning to add a checkbox to hide less-relevant maps (ones with low amount of ratings)

DUSTCELL - Anemone
Aragon's Expert 6.23* (GD)
Jul 23rd, 2024
Good Game - Latitudes
beatmap 6.39*
Jan 9th, 2021
0 comments 4.50 / 5.00 from 1 votes
Nekomata Master+ - Far east squall
Aragon's Extra 6.07* (GD)
Aug 19th, 2023
5 comments 2.22 / 5.00 from 17 votes
Ryokuoushoku Shakai - Michi o Yuke
Aragon's Expert 5.67* (GD)
Aug 17th, 2023
4 comments 2.71 / 5.00 from 7 votes
Falcom Sound Team jdk - GLESSING WAY!!
COLLAB INFERNO 6.71* (collab)
Jul 31st, 2023
0 comments 2.50 / 5.00 from 1 votes
AISHA, Epsilon Zero - Love the Subhuman Self
Immature Murderer 6.04*
Jul 29th, 2023
0 comments 3.19 / 5.00 from 16 votes
Yorushika - Matasaburo
Delight 6.38*
Mar 1st, 2023
0 comments 2.92 / 5.00 from 12 votes
Anrietta - On the Way Across the Rainbow
Collab Insane 4.76* (GD)
Jan 6th, 2023
0 comments 3.33 / 5.00 from 7 votes
Tsukuyomi - Tsuki ga Michiru
Aragon & Deca's Collab Extreme 6.69* (collab)
Jan 1st, 2023
2 comments 2.58 / 5.00 from 14 votes
The Strokes - The Adults Are Talking
Don't go there 5.18*
Nov 22nd, 2022
5 comments 3.38 / 5.00 from 33 votes
BUTAOTOME - Shinsan Game
Aragon's Expert 6.38* (GD)
Aug 1st, 2022
0 comments 2.50 / 5.00 from 3 votes
Kinoko Teikoku - Kokudou Slope
devious lick collab 5.53*
Oct 17th, 2021
0 comments 2.80 / 5.00 from 3 votes
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