goreshit - o'er the flood by grumd

Rating: 3.83 / 5.00 from 235 votes
Ranking: #5 for 2012, #49 overall
Ranking: #5 for 2012, #49 overall
bursts, stamina, distance snapped, finger control |
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Rating: 4.50 / 5.00 from 1 votes
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Comments (52)
i like playing mmzz maps on taiko mode and this diff also plays pretty good
its crazy this is the only person who can map this genre without making it slop and did it in 2012
🔥 gameplay
> this style of mapping was already pretty developed in 2012
bro I was there in 2012 and I can definitely tell you this isn’t true
THIS IS 2012??????????????????????????????????????????????????? I DIDN'T REALIZE
pavor nocturnus better
Ok for real though I think it captures the vibe of the song pretty well so this one actually works nice
This one is kinda fire cuz it has a section with actual gameplay
my bad
@funny ur wrong
omdb top 50 reviewing journey - #9
i really don't get what people see in this map. it's not a bad map by any means, but it's a really, really plain map that doesn't try to do much at all. adding in a bit more spacing for the last kiai is a nice touch but ultimately this map just kinda coasts with ds'd patterns for the vast majority of the map. come on yall, grumd has better maps.
I believe in u boss best of luck
Im not but thanks for asking maybe in 3 yrs tho
hey i dont use 3 as the mid button [2]
GM Vinxis I hope you are doing well
hey i dont use 3 as the mid button
Gm hobbes
I like playing this map =) it’s the perfect speed for me and I really like this song and the map is fun also =)
insane cap
gapped by SIDxRAM - RAMSING (Ksardas)
youre fucked up mate @paradogi
I put BBQ sauce on my pizza base because its better than tomato sauce base.
contrarian ass below
its mid as shit. why everyone love it
this map is kinda fire tbh
Wtf goin on in Miami bruh? 😭
o'er the flood? i dont owe her shit
ok im done with this convo but @dsco i said the word legacy because semaphore was talking about judging maps based on them being groundbreaking. goddamn man
hi i just played this beatmap and my hand hurts, there's a lot of beats in this beatmap
takes a lot of ego to imply that the people rating this highly must be doing so because of legacy and not because they just really like the map, just because you don’t resonate with it. it’s not like everyone decided to peddle some agenda on a grumd map, it just has a pretty universal appeal
there are a few old maps that gain value based on when they were made though. like i like how BASARA being someone's first map in 2010 provides a view of a new mapper's experience being new to mapping in a time when mapping wasn't as developed and ideas weren't as widespread
i think a lot of this debate comes down to what you think the function of the charts actually is though. if you think it's to highlight the most important maps, then legacy will be important in deciding how you vote. for me, i think the charts are good for showing people good maps and bringing maps to light that might not otherwise get attention, so i don't think a map being good for its time should impact that, especially when there are maps from the same time that are still good today
(not honest)
HONESTLY every map made after 2019 sucks ballzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
"immediately discarding any map made before 2017 because 'this map isnt groundbreaking nowadays' is 0iq"
1. i never mentioned maps being groundbreaking nowadays at all. tbh i think rating a map highly because it's groundbreaking is really stupid for the exact reason you mentioned, being that community perception of what is novel changes over time
2. there are absolutely maps that are still good from before 2017. how is this "discarding maps made before 2017". if anything, considering maps based on how much you like them absent from mapping context is putting them on an equal playing field to new maps, not discarding them
osu nephews these days have no respect for the classics
"I don't think the map needs to be "groundbreaking" for its time to deserve a FOUR of all ratings"
ok i just saw this but this sentence is insane. i agree that maps shouldn't be judged on legacy at all, they should be judged on how they hold up today. that being said a 4.0 average is an 8/10 and the map is literally #5 overall so idk why you're acting like that isn't extremely high
honk mimimimi
it's fun
its above average
rho is kinda right but it's still grumid
its alright, i really think there's only so much you can do with rhythm in a game where you can only click one note at a time. gives me memories of perfecting even numbered bursts
the score on this is proof that rhythm is king. you could over-analyze the structure and talk about how the map becomes progressively air-y with more rhythm gaps and spacing and how that's some 'o'er the flood' allegory, or try to ascribe some structural intention that grumd probably didn't even consciously intend, but at the end of the day, people just find this map fun to play. doesn't have to be more than that. enjoyment of maps doesn't come from the editor for most people.
oer the mid
I think this
ok i dont agree that the rhythm is provided entirely by the song or that this style was already developed in 2012 but someone needs to explain this score to me lol. it's probably a perfect storm of the osu boomerism that's on the rest of the charts combined with players uprating the map for speed training
tl;dr o'er the mid by grumid
shauns has a billion hdhr fcs on this map
someones gotta explain why this is rated so high to me
the map is quite literally only the rhythm - this style of mapping was already pretty developed in 2012. theres nothing to this map but the rhythm which is provided entirely by the song
it was good for its time, not anymore.
why do people like this so much
i cant believe i forgot to rate this one initially but absolutely stunning how grumd just did this in TWENTY FUCKING TWELVE
unreal how this was made in 2012
crazy how this was made over 10 years ago and still hard gaps so many maps ranked today