Bring Me The Horizon - Drown (Sewerslvt Remix) by Cappu
Mapset info
Last updated: May 21st, 2022
Average Rating: 2.76 / 5.00 from 23 votes
English Electronic
Graved Mapset
Average Rating: 2.76 / 5.00 from 23 votes
English Electronic
Graved Mapset
Overflowing Despondency
mapped by KogumaX, taku, Skystar, tukamoto7km, Rumia-, Halgoh, Djulus, Yuguiboy, Sharu, MaestroSplinter, Cappu, Frakturehawkens, Gillstar, nexx-, colicen, Ykybfz, Blacky Design and 0ppInOsu
mapped by KogumaX, taku, Skystar, tukamoto7km, Rumia-, Halgoh, Djulus, Yuguiboy, Sharu, MaestroSplinter, Cappu, Frakturehawkens, Gillstar, nexx-, colicen, Ykybfz, Blacky Design and 0ppInOsu
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Comments (4)
if i guess correctly tukamoto and hawkens part r cool
storyboard still wip
actually I can't get over how crazy good this map is
god map