Team Grimoire vs. Sakuzyo vs. Laur - Arcana Eden by ArkRumierA
Mapset info
Last updated: Mar 19th, 2024
Average Rating: 3.92 / 5.00 from 12 votes
Instrumental Electronic
Graved Mapset
Average Rating: 3.92 / 5.00 from 12 votes
Instrumental Electronic
Graved Mapset
Rating: 4.29 / 5.00 from 12 votes
Ranking: #206 for 2024, #2548 overall
Ranking: #206 for 2024, #2548 overall
slider tech, complex sv, slidershapes |
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Comments (13)
i wonder how many blunts he had to smoke to be able to come up with a slider as unhinged as that black hole thing
i am a voyager and this map is mars
what i meant by that is that the sliders that are obviously handmade are fruits of an insane mind that i cannot comprehend
actually i don't want to use the right tools cuz i don't want to know how the magician does his tricks
idk guess i'm using the wrong tools
yes i respect this mapper to make the slider without mappingtool
but still this was cool
wish the mapper embrace the messiness of the sliders more
if you have spent more than 5 seconds using slider manipulation tools then u can pretty easily tell which parts are handmade
this map came 5 years too early
i said this to woey but i feel like theres no way to comprehend whether the shit in this map was made by a human being or a program
the Bob Beamon of osu! Beatmaps
compared to this map, we are children