X2N_ - Smile of the End by Mizunashi Akari
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Rating: 2.81 / 5.00 from 5 votes
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Comments (27)
03:13:515 (1) - scale this by 0.994
not very swag
the kiai's either have good ideas or are just plain nonsensical
holy hell sebas spit your facts indeed :trolley
midunashi akari
why is this map so mashable it completely ruins the experience
top diff's parts that are not marked as kiais are actually good. kiais themselves tank the rating by a lot though - felt that either the chaos that the kiais bring is _just_ chaos and not enough structure (slider parts) or then the chaos doesn't go hard enough where modifying the base structure to a greater extend would benefit the map more and make it more interesting (streams on 2nd kiai beginning)
dragonicz's diff i feel like captures the song's essence a lot better through the things i just said (structure, highlighting parts with more drastic changes when it's needed etc)
all this is said from a mapping perspective tho so shrug
like i truly want to hate it but i have to respect it for calling into question why i play the maps that i do
wow i don't think i've ever played a map whose rating is more in flux than the dragonicz diff, it legitimately can be anywhere between a 0 and a 4 in my mind at any given time
mirash map is proof that they arent
i feel like the quality of these diffs is really limited by the song
uummmmm uhmm ummm uhhhh uhm ummmm uhhh
how long will it take for john mapping's diff to get an fc
wtf how
too much for me
ummmm uhhhhhhhhh um ummmmm uhhhhhhh um
hp10 so underrated
We should normalize HP10 instead
should be hp 7
super fun map (would've been more fun with hp0)
hp0 believers living in 1984..
yeast diff got lowered stack leniency actually from 1->0
yea would rate 5 if it were hp0
would've +0.5 if hp0
>not hp0
>yeast diff nerfed (inc. stack leniency)
i dont even wanna rate this tbh it should have stayed unranked