Namakemono - Yasou -HEAVEN'S DOOR MIX- by pumice

Mapset info
Ranked: Jun 17th, 2024
Average Rating: 3.63 / 5.00 from 47 votes
Instrumental Electronic
Average Rating: 3.63 / 5.00 from 47 votes
Instrumental Electronic
Rating: 3.56 / 5.00 from 47 votes
Ranking: #42 for 2024, #694 overall
Ranking: #42 for 2024, #694 overall
freeform, progression, aim control, marathon |
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Comments (19)
im removing my positive review of ur map
mr kucoto
eto ... i rike zis visuar nover map genki desu ... notlike for gaijin 5 star
revisited this and it blew my mind
duuuuh rofl
ofc ur a stoner idk y i never thoought abt it
playing this high off a blunt made me ascend to a different plane of reality omg trance might be the best genre ever for osu maps
when the beat drops and u start playing the most satisfying aim control patterns ever made and they just keep getting better and better... CHILLS
i would like it more if 03:37:357 - didnt feel so constrained
something about repetitive maps with long buildups like u get hit with a runners high when kiai hits
this song is insaneeeeeeeeeeee and the movement on the climax is stunning
i was actually really enjoying this until i played the ending of the chorus on mouse rfk that no way i can hit it 0/5
poo mice
Yasuo [2]
is it worth playing all the way thru i played like 30 secs and got put off by the 1/4 song seems banger too
if not for that i would love this map
to be clear i mean jump spacing not stream spacing
I like it, but difficulty balance seems poorly managed and spacing is really imbalanced half the time feeling overly restrained and half the time having random spikes