siinamota - Shoujo A by PaRaDogi
Mapset info
Ranked: Jun 23rd, 2024
Average Rating: 1.59 / 5.00 from 88 votes
Japanese Electronic
Average Rating: 1.59 / 5.00 from 88 votes
Japanese Electronic
Flask melleganol |
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Rating: 1.50 / 5.00 from 5 votes
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Rating: 1.66 / 5.00 from 3 votes
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Rating: 3.00 / 5.00 from 3 votes
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Comments (51)
plays like
da fuck you mean bpd she's suicidal
song being kinda oversaturated (mapper has no control over this) and diff name being decently offensive (could have been an honest mistake but still Not Great to have topics conflated like that) aside this map is ok. it lands some unique movement choices occasionaly but its kinda all over the place conceptualy. third kiai ints so fuckin hard. not the worst map in the world but its very unsatisfying. so tl;dr kinda agree w luminiscental
no fuckin way x^2 + y^3 = 0
cuspidal cubic
i mean the diffname
at least it's not as egregious as TUYU - Anoyo-iki no Bus ni Notte Saraba. (SnowNiNo_)
yea this is about suicide not BPD idk how we got here
i like the song
if this song isnt actuaklly about bpd then im ok with this being a punching bag 4 people honestly,.
get real
man omdb comment section is so toxic I'm gonna quit mapping
woah woah woah woah what are these ratings
I played the map and did not enjoy it, hope this clarifies things
no idea what all of these low ratings are for
like two of 34 comments are about the map quality
i dont think this song is about bpd its more of depression and suicide.
is this sonf about bpd i didjt think it was
Whos letting him cook
Wow woated takes one by one
rei siroses ver is like fine i listened to it the other day but this vocaloid one is mid asf
doesnt change the fact this song SUCKS!!!!
no i expected this
nanoya isnt gonna be happy when he wakes up
also nanoya likes cock
at least this set wasn’t on rei sirose version mashallah we’re saved
Kudos on top diff for the slowly rotating section that shit's lit 🔥
more like shoujo gay am irite
no he's right the world needs to hop back on kz livetune and give these indie producers 3 more years in the niconico dungeon to hone their skills in battle royale fashion
this song is so good but i cant get to enjoy topdiff because of overspacing lol
its fine
Nanoya likes cock
music taste is subjective
the song is fine, though the social media popularity and usage tainted its meaning for me a bit. give siinamota's other songs a listen, theres a handful of good ones
trying is the easy part
you guys should try enjoying things
that's even worse
nanoya is right, in some of these 2024 slops I often delete the mp3 and replace it with a sped up adrenaline mp3, this one is going to that list
songs fine tbh whos letting nanoya have opinion on music
vvv he likes cock
i dont even care about the message this song tries to give i dont understand a single word and im too lazy to google it so therefore yes this song is beyond ass
instrumental sounds like some 2 year old player a harmonica and vocals are just ass idk how ppl like vocaloid
Lying for fun are we
its ok this song is beyond ass
first ranked map of this song and it's Quite Disappointing....