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Shota Kageyama - Sentou de Pinch! by Sotarks

Mapset info
Ranked: Aug 5th, 2024
Average Rating: 1.67 / 5.00 from 30 votes
Instrumental Video Game
Shmiklak -Aqua

Rating Distribution
Rating: 1.61 / 5.00 from 19 votes
Ranking: #990 for 2024
simple, flow aim, streams, clean
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simple, bursts, clean
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on nebuwua's LOW HEALTH EXTREME!
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on nebuwua's LOW HEALTH EXTREME!
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Comments (7)
1mo ago

Still disappointed that this wasn't hp10

1mo ago

i feel like a grandsenpai gd wouldve been fitting on this set

1mo ago

Hes kinda right

1mo ago

this is hilarious to read

1mo ago

sotars' diff would have been cool if it actually followed the song with spacings but we gotta have some inflated difficulty for the players

1mo ago

im sorry man but this is the most uninspired thing I've seen this year

1mo ago

diff is nice

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