paraoka - Manima ni by Sandpig
Mapset info
Ranked: Feb 19th, 2012
Average Rating: 3.98 / 5.00 from 55 votes
Japanese Electronic
Average Rating: 3.98 / 5.00 from 55 votes
Japanese Electronic
Breeze Garven wcx19911123 |
Rating: 3.98 / 5.00 from 53 votes
Ranking: #11 for 2012, #106 overall
Ranking: #11 for 2012, #106 overall
simple, freeform, improvisation, sharp aim |
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Rating: 3.98 / 5.00 from 2 votes
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Comments (22)
@rho lets buddy up
Yo I just #Lowered it
Friend rating 4.15 i know im surrounded by some #REALONES in this joint
I get it though
sorry i dont get it
me too
this map makes me so happy every time
sakuya kono hana kami no manimani
sakuya kono hana kami no manimani
play this and then rate it a 5
pan hs from 2012