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on Crimsonic dimension [Phantasm]
Better on McOsu
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About me

Ratings are based on the fun I get out of the map (being fun on a sightread is important to me), how much I'd want to play them again, and how easy they are to remember. If I reviewed more modern maps, my average would probably be a lot lower since I rarely find them as fun. It felt like mapping was never the same after PPv2, and most players won't really relate to my tastes that long for the game I fell in love with around 2011/2012, but I'm probably just being a manchild stuck in the past.

I like when maps have memorable patterns or structure that makes the map look like it's fun to flashlight, well placed spinners (spinners at the start of a map are the worst), well flowing high velocity sliders, jumps with triple stacks, simplicity with heart, and when there's room to breathe (not by break time).

I'm not a fan of freeform, high AR (like a map of 140bpm 1/2 notes being AR9), sliders not meant to be perfectly followed, maps that value creativity over playability (not including auto map art), half of alt-style maps nowadays, majority of 1/4 slider jumps, and most modern normal difficulties (I feel REALLY bad for new players stuck with maps that are basically slow sliders into slow sliders into maybe a note with like no spacing or structure).

I find it very hard to finish maps because I'm my own worst enemy. I can never accurately put my visions into the map, or I'm too much of a perfectionist to move forward. Even if it's not my cup of tea or not super high quality, I respect the drive some players/mappers have to be able to pump out a map. Because of this, I very rarely think a map that goes through the ranking process deserves under a 2.



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This display is currently WIP! I am planning to add a checkbox to hide less-relevant maps (ones with low amount of ratings)

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